Monday, May 25, 2009

Girl Road Trip

What do you need for a road trip? A willing partner, a lot of coffee and the miracle of Redbox - where you can rent a movie for a dollar in one state and return it in another.
We made a wrong turn and saw the Cadillacs buried on Route 66.

Piper thought they were kind of creepy - and well, I have to agree! But why miss a photo-op?

Piper and I made an impromptu trip to Texas, arriving Mother's Day. I was just talking to my mom on the phone, who had no idea we were coming, and I told her Piper and I were running a few "errands".

We spent one day shopping and Piper reveled in being the only (spoiled) child around.

The "Grandmothers" took Piper to tea.

Piper loved seeing all the flowers and I found myself naming them to her, just like my mom has done to me for years. "This is a hollyhock and it will spread everywhere. This is the crazy rose bush that will attack you when you walk to the door. Look at the echinacia - we won't see that in Colorado for a couple of months". She preferred to just smell them and pick them and did not really seem to care about the names.
Cracker Barrel was our regular destination on the trip. We would stop and play checkers. I would trade in my book on tape and get a new one. We ate chicken fried steak. Piper would pick a piece of candy and try to talk me into buying something really tacky. Yep, we went to Cracker Barrel 5 times!!!
We were able to stay a week and it was a wonderful first girl's trip. I hope we will have more in the future!

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