Friday, December 18, 2009

Been a long time...

I realized it had been a while since I blogged when my computer's memory found Craig's List before it found Crawford Journey. There are lots of reasons - but instead of having "Blogger Guilt" I just realize that there is a season for everything.

Some times I go through periods where I just want to write about everything and I can process and think through my life as I type. Some things are to personal (even for me) to blog about - I only allow myself to have "real: conversations about them, and sometimes I even keep them to myself. And some times, I just don't want to. And that is OK.

I laughed when a women recently told me she read my blog and enjoyed it! Ha! She must have not read the dates and have an abnormal interest in improving literacy skills in youth. I can not imagine that the last few entries give anyone a true idea of who I am.

Anyways, it is good to be back.

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