Last day of school also meant the last walk to school. I know it seems trivial, but walking to school has been a true joy. I love meeting the other neighbors to walk down the hill. I love just having to pick up the phone 10 minutes before we leave and calling my neighbor to see who is walking the boys down.
This year we have gone to school by bike, sled, scooter, stroller and of course feet. We have walked through rain (which seemed like a really great idea - but wasn't!), snow and of course many Colorado sunny days. We have seen the seasons change. One day we saw 52 ladybugs! Another day we saw over 15 worms and the biggest slug that ever lived. We found a Robin's egg. We have looked at Indian Paintbrush, gathered leaves and picked dandelions. We have zoomed at neck breaking speeds down "Dead Man's Hill" (I nicknamed it!).

Next year we will be going to a brand new school in a brand new building. We will have a wonderful and challenging curriculum. We won a place in the school by lottery with 100's of kids still on the waiting list. For several reasons I think it will be a good choice for our family, but on the last day of school I could not help feeling I was trading a wonderful quality of life for a 15 minute carpool.

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